وصف الوظيفة
No grade
Contractual Arrangement
External consultant
Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days)
6 months (subject to confirmation)
Job Posting
Jul 15, 2024, 1:56:52 PM
Closing Date
Jul 17, 2024, 10:59:00 PM
Primary Location
EM/NMH Non Communicable Diseases and Mental Health
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device's system settings.
Area Of Expertise
Department: NMH
- Purpose of the Consultancy
- The NCS unit is seeking a consultant to conduct, analysis and interpretation using standard WHO tools, data validation resources and analysis summary of the new round of NCD Country Capacity Survey 2023 round
- To update the NCD surveillance regional advocacy materials with focus on the main pillars of NCD surveillance and the newly developed WHO facility-based guidance at primary, secondary and tertiary level for the major NCDs
- Background
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), include cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and diabetes, also known as chronic diseases, are a group of diseases that are non-infectious and non-transmissible among people. NCDs are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental, and behavioral factors. Currently, NCDs are the leading cause of death and disease burden worldwide. Over two-thirds of the global deaths annually are attributed to NCDs and the majority of these deaths (more than 80%) occur in low- and middle-income countries.
The four key modifiable risk factors for the four main NCDs are tobacco use, the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. If the four main modifiable risk factors are prevented, an estimated 75% of premature heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and 40% of cancer could be prevented globally.
To combat the rising global epidemic of NCDs, WHO developed a monitoring framework for NCDs surveillance, monitoring and evaluation that looks at diseases outcome, exposure to risk factors and national system response, these are considered the main NCD surveillance pillars or components. Recently, WHO launched the facility-based monitoring framework to support countries to assess their health care system response and capacity.
Also, the World Health Organization (WHO) designs and conducts periodic assessments of national capacity for NCD prevention and control in all Member States. This is done using a global survey known as the NCD country capacity survey. The first national capacity survey in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region was out in 2000, and was followed by subsequent surveys in 2005, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017,2019 and 2021. This consistent process of data collection over regular intervals allows countries to assess the progress made over time by comparison with the results of previous surveys.
The Consultant Is Expected To Do The Following
Output 1: Enabling countries to strengthen their health systems to deliver on condition and disease-specific service coverage results
The Consultant Will Conduct The Following Tasks
- Data Analysis and Reporting:
- Analyse and interpret data from the 2023 WHO NCD Country Capacity Survey (CCS), comparing it to previous rounds and identifying trends.
- Draft comprehensive NCD mortality profiles for EMR countries, providing insights into the burden and distribution of NCDs.
- Draft the full report of the 2023 WHO NCD CCS, synthesizing findings and recommendations.
- Draft a data report on NCD CCS progress, presenting a comparative analysis of results from 2017 to 2023.
- Draft a regional fact sheet and summary report on the implementation of facilities-based monitoring guidelines for NCDs in the EMR, including the use of key indicators, data analysis, and interpretation of findings based on CCS 2023 results and other data sources from WHO resources
- Knowledge Management:
- Contribute to the development and maintenance of knowledge resources related to the update of the advocacy document of the NCD surveillance in the EMR, including presentations and technical documents based on the latest advancements in NCD surveillance methodologies and incorporate them into relevant advocacy documents and reports.
- Additional Responsibilities:
- Undertake other related tasks as assigned, including contributing to capacity building activities, presentations, and collaborating with colleagues on various NCD surveillance projects as needed and within focus of the previous mentioned tasks.
- Data repository for all EMR countries including country information on strategies, plans, survey reports for each of the commitment area of the regional framework on NCDs;
- Summary PPTs on Progress on country submission based on updates and WHO/NCS request
- Regional and national summary reports and material (PowerPoint presentations- factsheets, excel data base etc.) based on the new collected data as appropriate for each country in EMR focusing on burden and policy implementation and progress
- Draft update of the advocacy document of the NCD surveillance in the EMR.
- Planned timelines: (6 months – subject to confirmation)
Start date: 14/07/2024
End date: 31/12/2024
- Qualifications, experience, skills and languages
Educational Qualifications
- Essential : Minimum first university degree in Public health or relevant studies
- Desirable: an advanced university degree is an asset
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in noncommunicable diseases epidemiology policies & strategies in EMR countries. International experience is mandatory.
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and web tools on research articles such as PubMed.
- Demonstrated capacity in using data analysis software like STAT, R, SASS, SPSS
- Demonstrated capacity to produce high-quality writing.
- Demonstrated coordination skills and capacity to work across teams and with different cultures.
- Research skills with academic institutions and/or professional organizations.
Languages And Level Required
- Excellent knowledge of English. Knowledge of Arabic language is an asset.
- Location
Off site (remotely)
All travel arrangements will be made by WHO – WHO will not be responsible for tickets purchased by the Consultant without the express, prior authorization of WHO. While on mission under the terms of this consultancy, the Consultant will receive subsistence allowance.
Visas requirements: it is the consultant’s responsibility to fulfil visa requirements and ask for visa support letter(s) if needed.
- Remuneration and budget (travel costs are excluded):
- Remuneration: Payband level - B
- Expected duration of contract: 6 months
(Maximum contract duration is 11 months per calendar year)
The selected Consultant will be expected to provide a medical certificate of fitness for work.
Responsible Officer
The selected Consultant will work under the supervision of:
Regional Advisor for NCD Surveillance NCS
NMH Director
Additional Information
- This vacancy notice may be used to identify candidates for other similar consultancies at the same level.
- Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
- A written test may be used as a form of screening.
- If your candidature is retained for interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: http://www.whed.net/. Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review.
- For information on WHO's operations please visit: http://www.who.int.
- WHO is committed to workforce diversity.
- WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
- Applications from women and from nationals of non and underrepresented Member States are particularly encouraged.
- WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the WHO Values Charter into practice.
- WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of final candidates.
- Consultants shall perform the work as independent contractors in a personal capacity, and not as a representative of any entity or authority. The execution of the work under a consultant contract does not create an employer/employee relationship between WHO and the Consultant.
- WHO shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any taxes, duties, social security contributions or other contributions payable by the Consultant. The Consultant shall be solely responsible for withholding and paying any taxes, duties, social security contributions and any other contributions which are applicable to the Consultant in in each location/jurisdiction in which the work hereunder is performed, and the Consultant shall not be entitled to any reimbursement thereof by WHO.
- Consultants working in Switzerland must register with the applicable Swiss cantonal tax authorities and social security authorities, within the prescribed timeframes (Guidelines issued by the Swiss Mission are available at: https://www.eda.admin.ch/missions/mission-onu-geneve/en/home/manual-regime-privileges-and-immunities/introduction/Manuel-personnes-sans-privileges-et-immunites-carte-H/Non fonctionnaires et stagiaires.html