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As an Oral Dental Surgeon, you will be responsible for providing exceptional oral and dental care to our patients. You will be working closely with our experienced team of dentists and specialists to ensure the highest level of patient satisfaction.<br><br><strong>Responsibilities<br><br></strong><ul><li> Perform surgical procedures on the teeth, gums, and jaw to treat complex dental issues such as impacted teeth, gum disease, and jaw reconstruction.</li><li> Diagnose and treat various oral diseases and injuries.</li><li> Conduct thorough dental examinations and assessments of patients' oral health.</li><li> Educate patients on proper oral hygiene and preventive care to maintain healthy teeth and gums.</li><li> Collaborate with other dentists and specialists to develop treatment plans and ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.</li><li> Stay informed and up-to-date on the latest advancements in oral surgery and techniques.</li><li> Maintain accurate and detailed patient records.<br><br></li></ul><strong>Requirements<br><br></strong><ul><li> Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from an accredited dental school.</li><li> Completion of an advanced residency program in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery.</li><li> Current state dental license and DEA certification.</li><li> Proven experience and expertise in performing complex surgical procedures, including extractions, implants, and jaw reconstruction.</li><li> Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.</li><li> Ability to work efficiently and effectively in a team.</li><li> Strong attention to detail and accuracy.</li><li> Dedication to providing exceptional patient care.</li></ul><br> " "embed_url" => "" "hide_salary" => false "id" => "85152" "location" => array:21 [ "country_code" => "AE" "created_at" => "2023-12-09T23:15:34.000000Z" "east" => "55.5645216" "formatted_address" => "Dubai - 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As an Oral Dental Surgeon, you will be responsible for providing exceptional oral and dental care to our patients. You will be working closely with our experienced team of dentists and specialists to ensure the highest level of patient satisfaction.\n \n Responsibilities\n \n - Perform surgical procedures on the teeth, gums, and jaw to treat complex dental issues such as impacted teeth, gum disease, and jaw reconstruction.\n - Diagnose and treat various oral diseases and injuries.\n - Conduct thorough dental examinations and assessments of patients' oral health.\n - Educate patients on proper oral hygiene and preventive care to maintain healthy teeth and gums.\n - Collaborate with other dentists and specialists to develop treatment plans and ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.\n - Stay informed and up-to-date on the latest advancements in oral surgery and techniques.\n - Maintain accurate and detailed patient records.\n \n Requirements\n \n - Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from an accredited dental school.\n - Completion of an advanced residency program in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery.\n - Current state dental license and DEA certification.\n - Proven experience and expertise in performing complex surgical procedures, including extractions, implants, and jaw reconstruction.\n - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.\n - Ability to work efficiently and effectively in a team.\n - Strong attention to detail and accuracy.\n - Dedication to providing exceptional patient care. 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array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "status" "operator" => "=" "value" => 1 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2232 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:2 [ 0 => Carbon\Carbon @1736938578 {#2203 #endOfTime: false #startOfTime: false #constructedObjectId: "000000000000089b0000000000000000" #localMonthsOverflow: null #localYearsOverflow: null #localStrictModeEnabled: null #localHumanDiffOptions: null #localToStringFormat: null #localSerializer: null #localMacros: null #localGenericMacros: null #localFormatFunction: null #localTranslator: null #dumpProperties: array:3 [ 0 => "date" 1 => "timezone_type" 2 => "timezone" ] #dumpLocale: null #dumpDateProperties: null : 2025-01-15 10:56:18.736398 UTC (+00:00) } 1 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "deadline" "operator" => ">" "value" => Carbon\Carbon @1736938578 {#2203} "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:3 [ "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2247 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:1 [ 0 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "type" => "Null" "column" => "deadline" "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "jobs.created_at" "operator" => ">" "value" => "2024-10-17" "boolean" => "and" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "or" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "id" "operator" => ">" "value" => 76082 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Null" "column" => "jobs.deleted_at" "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "status" "operator" => "=" "value" => 1 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "status" "operator" => "=" "value" => 1 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2440 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:2 [ 0 => Carbon\Carbon @1736938579 {#2420 #endOfTime: false #startOfTime: false #constructedObjectId: "00000000000009740000000000000000" #localMonthsOverflow: null #localYearsOverflow: null #localStrictModeEnabled: null #localHumanDiffOptions: null #localToStringFormat: null #localSerializer: null #localMacros: null #localGenericMacros: null #localFormatFunction: null #localTranslator: null #dumpProperties: array:3 [ 0 => "date" 1 => "timezone_type" 2 => "timezone" ] #dumpLocale: null #dumpDateProperties: null : 2025-01-15 10:56:19.422468 UTC (+00:00) } 1 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "deadline" "operator" => ">" "value" => Carbon\Carbon @1736938579 {#2420} "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:3 [ "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2455 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:1 [ 0 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "type" => "Null" "column" => "deadline" "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "jobs.created_at" "operator" => ">" "value" => "2024-10-17" "boolean" => "and" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "or" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "status" "operator" => "=" "value" => 1 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2440 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:2 [ 0 => Carbon\Carbon @1736938579 {#2420 #endOfTime: false #startOfTime: false #constructedObjectId: "00000000000009740000000000000000" #localMonthsOverflow: null #localYearsOverflow: null #localStrictModeEnabled: null #localHumanDiffOptions: null #localToStringFormat: null #localSerializer: null #localMacros: null #localGenericMacros: null #localFormatFunction: null #localTranslator: null #dumpProperties: array:3 [ 0 => "date" 1 => "timezone_type" 2 => "timezone" ] #dumpLocale: null #dumpDateProperties: null : 2025-01-15 10:56:19.422468 UTC (+00:00) } 1 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "deadline" "operator" => ">" "value" => Carbon\Carbon @1736938579 {#2420} "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:3 [ "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2455 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:1 [ 0 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "type" => "Null" "column" => "deadline" "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "jobs.created_at" "operator" => ">" "value" => "2024-10-17" "boolean" => "and" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "or" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "status" "operator" => "=" "value" => 1 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2440 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:2 [ 0 => Carbon\Carbon @1736938579 {#2420 #endOfTime: false #startOfTime: false #constructedObjectId: "00000000000009740000000000000000" #localMonthsOverflow: null #localYearsOverflow: null #localStrictModeEnabled: null #localHumanDiffOptions: null #localToStringFormat: null #localSerializer: null #localMacros: null #localGenericMacros: null #localFormatFunction: null #localTranslator: null #dumpProperties: array:3 [ 0 => "date" 1 => "timezone_type" 2 => "timezone" ] #dumpLocale: null #dumpDateProperties: null : 2025-01-15 10:56:19.422468 UTC (+00:00) } 1 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "deadline" "operator" => ">" "value" => Carbon\Carbon @1736938579 {#2420} "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:3 [ "type" => "Nested" "query" => Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder {#2455 +connection: Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection {#965 …26} +grammar: Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\MySqlGrammar {#961 …5} +processor: Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\MySqlProcessor {#979} +bindings: array:9 [ "select" => [] "from" => [] "join" => [] "where" => array:1 [ 0 => "2024-10-17" ] "groupBy" => [] "having" => [] "order" => [] "union" => [] "unionOrder" => [] ] +aggregate: null +columns: null +distinct: false +from: "jobs" +indexHint: null +joins: null +wheres: array:2 [ 0 => array:3 [ "type" => "Null" "column" => "deadline" "boolean" => "and" ] 1 => array:5 [ "type" => "Basic" "column" => "jobs.created_at" "operator" => ">" "value" => "2024-10-17" "boolean" => "and" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "or" ] ] +groups: null +havings: null +orders: null +limit: null +offset: null +unions: null +unionLimit: null +unionOffset: null +unionOrders: null +lock: null +beforeQueryCallbacks: [] +operators: array:33 [ 0 => "=" 1 => "<" 2 => ">" 3 => "<=" 4 => ">=" 5 => "<>" 6 => "!=" 7 => "<=>" 8 => "like" 9 => "like binary" 10 => "not like" 11 => "ilike" 12 => "&" 13 => "|" 14 => "^" 15 => "<<" 16 => ">>" 17 => "&~" 18 => "is" 19 => "is not" 20 => "rlike" 21 => "not rlike" 22 => "regexp" 23 => "not regexp" 24 => "~" 25 => "~*" 26 => "!~" 27 => "!~*" 28 => "similar to" 29 => "not similar to" 30 => "not ilike" 31 => "~~*" 32 => "!~~*" ] +bitwiseOperators: array:6 [ 0 => "&" 1 => "|" 2 => "^" 3 => "<<" 4 => ">>" 5 => "&~" ] +useWritePdo: false } "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "id" "operator" => "<" "value" => 76082 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Null" "column" => "jobs.deleted_at" "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:5 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Basic" "column" => "" "operator" => "=" "value" => 11694 "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
array:3 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 "type" => "Null" "column" => "companies.deleted_at" "boolean" => "and" ]
array:1 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "boolean" ]
App\Modules\Job\Domain\Entities\Type {#2575 // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 #connection: "mysql" #table: "job_types" #primaryKey: "id" #keyType: "int" +incrementing: true #with: [] #withCount: [] +preventsLazyLoading: false #perPage: 15 +exists: true +wasRecentlyCreated: false #escapeWhenCastingToString: false #attributes: array:6 [ "id" => 33255 "job_id" => 76082 "type" => 1 "type_data" => null "created_at" => "2024-08-02 12:46:11" "updated_at" => "2024-08-02 12:46:11" ] #original: array:6 [ "id" => 33255 "job_id" => 76082 "type" => 1 "type_data" => null "created_at" => "2024-08-02 12:46:11" "updated_at" => "2024-08-02 12:46:11" ] #changes: [] #casts: array:1 [ "type" => "App\Modules\Job\Domain\Enums\JobType" ] #classCastCache: [] #attributeCastCache: [] #dateFormat: null #appends: [] #dispatchesEvents: [] #observables: [] #relations: [] #touches: [] +timestamps: true +usesUniqueIds: false #hidden: [] #visible: [] #fillable: [] #guarded: [] }
array:2 [ // vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Collections/Arr.php:551 0 => "type" 1 => "name" ]
SearchPlus HR, a leading human resources consulting firm, is currently seeking a highly skilled and dedicated Specialist Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. As a Specialist Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, you will play a critical role in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the mouth, jaw, and face. Your expertise in performing surgical procedures and providing comprehensive patient care will contribute to the overall health and well-being of our patients.
In this role, you will evaluate patients, perform oral and maxillofacial surgeries, prescribe appropriate treatments and medications, and provide post-operative care. Collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals will be essential to ensure integrated and effective patient care. Staying updated on the latest advancements and research in oral and maxillofacial surgery is crucial to providing the highest quality of care.