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Please select referral code as - Ayushi

Company Description

Filo is the world’s only live instant tutoring app connecting students with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1 interactive video sessions. With 50,000+ tutors, Filo serves over 1.5 million students across 15+ countries, making it the largest community of tutors globally. The company is an emerging youth-oriented e-learning startup on a mission to democratize education and provide quality learning for every student.

Role Description

This is a part-time remote role for a Science Tutor at Filo. The Science Tutor will be responsible for conducting interactive video tutoring sessions, explaining concepts, solving problems, and assisting students in real-time. The Science Tutor will help students understand complex science topics, encourage learning, and provide academic support.


  • Strong knowledge of science subjects
  • Experience in tutoring or teaching science concepts
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner
  • Patience and empathy when working with students
  • Proficiency in online teaching tools and platforms
  • Enthusiasm for supporting student learning and academic growth
  • Bachelor's degree in Science, Education, or related field