وصف الوظيفة
The AppDynamics Administrator will acquire an in-depth understanding of the AppDynamics solution leveraging previous APM expertise, training on the product, and practical application experience. The role encompasses acting as both a technical consultant and an enablement expert for UP's most significant business applications.
- -Account Owner: Responsible for managing security configurations (users, groups, roles), overseeing and adjusting applications and dashboards, creating action templates, configuring email and SMS alerts, monitoring business flow, and reviewing the AppDynamics license. This position is also recognized as the account administrator.
- -Administrator: Authorized to view and modify components affecting state, including applications, business transactions, dashboards, etc. Able to view and edit all applications and custom dashboards.
- -Custom Dashboard Viewer: Limited to viewing custom dashboards only.
- -Read Only User: Permitted to view all applications without editing rights.
- -Workflow Executor: Empowered to execute workflows.
- -DB Monitoring User: Can access the Database Monitoring UI but cannot add, edit, or delete database collectors.
- -DB Monitoring Administrator: Allowed to access the Database Monitoring UI and make changes to database collectors.
- -Server Monitoring User: Access granted to Server Monitoring UI without capability to configure Server Monitoring features.
- -Server Monitoring Administrator: Granted access to the Server Monitoring UI and can set up Service Monitoring features, including Service Availability Monitoring.
- -Analytics Administrator: Possesses the ability to view and assign access to analytics features, such as creating API keys, metrics, and extracted fields, and conferring access to analytics data. Controls which roles can access specific applications or log source types. Serves as the sole authority on saved searches, allowing for tailored data access levels for analytics users by generating various saved searches.